
Sneak Peak: IMA Gallery

Please visit www.theimagallery.com for details.

This image is of the first installation in the IMA Gallery, by Derrick Velasquez. The Gallery is 6" x 6" x 6" and will sit atop my head.


Images taken from CCAD website--

To explain, the piece consists of three elements: the face, the hole, and the video. The viewer hears bird chirping and as they approach the piece they notice a hole in the eye of the bird located on the nipple of the bra (as can be seen in the first image). As they look into hole (as is the gentleman in the second image), they see a video (a still of which can be seen in the third image). The video is a shot of the bird nipple nuzzling a man's bellybutton.



These drawings are made by extending the heads of birds and fish found in an old encyclopedia (a la Andrea Moreau-- thanks for the inspiration)

Graphite on Bristol

"Men and Woman"
Graphite on Bristol

"Dead Babies Yummy"
Watercolor on Bristol

The Exchange

Short Video with Hand Made Dolls and Real Bone

Chair Growth and Broken Ladder

Materials: Chair, Ladder, Stuffing, Fabric

I'm A Fan of Russian Prisoner Tattoos

Materials: Fan Blades, Wallpaper, Paint

The images on the fan blades are sourced from the book of Russian Criminal Tattoos Encyclopedia Volume I. (I am still amazed that these exist on bodies somewhere.)

(I have reecntly made a second set-- titled: Naomi Cleary is Also A Fan of Russian Prisoner Tattoos)

The Gift-Wrapped Casket

Materials: Casket, Gift Wrap, Funeral Home Show Room, Digital Image

This took about an hour and a half with the help of a couple friends. I owe credit to Chet Hay for his fancy photo skills (he took the picture). Also, I would like to thank the Schoedinger Funeral Home for allowing me to do this there and being so open and nice.


Parting Gift-- The Parlor

This is the video from Parting Gift, at the John Quint Treboni Funeral Home. They were kind enough to allow me to use their space for the event, which consisted of the Gift Wrapped Casket and the usual opening-reception-array of finger food. For me, the event was as much about the central object (the Casket) as about the gathering of people to explore an otherwise unexplorable place-- the nice folks at the John Quint Treboni Funeral Home allowed my guests to wander through the whole space, including the casket showroom.


This video is of people viewing the casket--an act which fits as well in a funeral home as it does in a gallery.
